CaSi Lumps

Primary purpose of Ferrosilicon calcium(CaSi) addition in the steel making is for deoxidization, degassing and Sulphur fixation of liquid steel.

Silicon calcium alloy helps to produce clean steel, high-quality steel with low oxygen and Sulphur content and special steel grades with extremely low oxygen and Sulphur content.

In the secondary refining technology of steel, the content of oxygen and Sulphur in steel can be reduced to a very low level by using calcium silicon alloy for deoxidation and desulfurization.

Supply Specifications For CaSi Lumps

Sizes of Cored Wire Diameter10-50mm,10-80mm,10-100mm
Steel Strip Thickness0.40 mm/0.68mm

Coil ID

Coil OD1800mm
Coil Weight
Up to 2.00mt

Coil Width
900 mm to 1000mm

Supply Condition
Eye to Sky / Horizontal